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Alliance of Illusionists


Members pay a $25 annual membership fee to be a member of the Bruce Chadwick SAM Assembly 138 and the Alliance of Illusionists, or just a member of the Alliance of Illusionists.

The "Bruce Chadwick SAM Assembly 138" and the "Alliance of Illusionists" are two separate magic clubs that meet simultaneously at the same date, time, and place. 


BRUCE CHADWICK SAM ASSEMBLY 138 meets as a chartered Assembly of the Society of American Magicians.

  • Assembly 138 members pay $25 annual local club dues via the payment button below before the first of January to help sustain local club activities.

  • SAM Assembly 138 members automatically also become members of the “Alliance of Illusionists" and do not pay additionally for AOI membership.

  • Members of Assembly 138 must be dues-paid-up members and in good standing with the national Society of American Magicians organization.

  • Assembly members are fully responsible for paying their own national SAM dues directly to the national SAM office as they become payable. 

ALLIANCE OF ILLUSIONISTS meets without affiliation of the national Society of American Magicians or any other magic organization.

  • AOI Members pay $25 annual local club dues via the payment button below before the first of January to help sustain local club activities.​ 

  • Members do not have to be members of the national Society of American Magicians or other magic organization.

NOTE:  The clubs do not accept cash or checks. In order to maintain correct contact information for members, all members must pay online using the payment button below. Note that a PayPal account is NOT required. Individuals without a PayPal account, or individuals who do not want to use their PayPal account, can pay their dues by clicking the "Guest" button.

Annual Membership Dues

For Current Active and Junior Members

$25 Annual Membership Dues
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